IHM Student Guidelines

Welcome to the IHM Property Management Distance Learning Program

Please review this Student Guideline before starting your course to ensure you understand the Institute’s processes. Should any items be unclear, please contact the IHM office.

Your commitment
1. You must complete the course and write the exam within 6 months of the official start date, which is noted on the welcome letter you received. Students will not be reminded of this deadline. It is your responsibility to complete the course and exam within the allotted time.

2. You must read the IHM Academic Integrity Policy before starting your course. The policy can be found in your manual or posted on our website at: ihm-canada.com/education/guidelines-forms/academic-integrity-policy

3. You have been assigned a distance learning instructor. You will submit chapter reviews and case studies to this person. S/he will contact you within 10 days of your receipt of the distance learning package. If you do not hear from the instructor within 10 days, please contact him/her directly within the following 5 days. Alternately, you can contact the IHM office during the same time period. Your welcome letter contains all contact information for both your instructor and this office. Once you receive the welcome email from your instructor, you must advise him/her that you have received and understood the email.

4. If you experience any communication problems with your instructor, immediately contact the IHM office and we will assist you. Remember, it is your responsibility to ensure that you meet the course deadline dates.

5. All of our subsequent correspondence will be through e-mail; however, you can make alternate arrangements with your instructor if need be.

Submitting Chapter Reviews and Assignments
6. You must submit, by email, the answers to chapter review questions at least once a week or as you and your instructor have agreed. This will help you stay on track and allows time for any unforeseen eventuality with your own time schedule. You must request permission from your instructor to send multiple chapter reviews for correction. If sending multiple reviews, please allow a minimum of three weeks for corrections. Note that your instructor has volunteered her/his time to the IHM Distance Learning program.

7. Your instructor’s role is to provide you with feedback on your comprehension of course material. S/he does this through comments on the assignments you submit. The IHM distance learning program consists of a self-paced and highly self-instructed format The information that you require to learn the topic well is contained in your course material and additional learning is the responsibility of all students

8. Your instructor will provide comments on your assignments within 3 to 4 business days of receiving them, or according to a mutually agreed schedule. You will receive your percentage marks for the chapter reviews and assignments at the end of the course only.

9. Students must complete all chapter reviews, and instructors are to award a grade of zero for any chapter review that is not submitted by the students. Students who do not complete chapter reviews in time for the exam may still write the exam, but should be aware that the minimum passing grade for all courses is 60%. The fewer chapter reviews submitted, the higher the examination mark must be to achieve a pass for the course. Contact your instructor for information on grading process for your current course. Note that each course has a different grading system.

10. Only under exceptional circumstances will an extension to your deadline be considered. The request for the extension must be made in writing by using the Course Extension Request Form and send it to the attention of the IHM Office at least 6 weeks prior to the original deadline. The review fee for an extension is $50.00 plus HST and must accompany the request. The Review Committee's decision will be based on their review of the reason for the extension, and the instructor’s information on when you submitted your first chapter review/assignment and your consistency in submitting subsequent chapter reviews/ assignments.

Final Exam
11. Your final exam must be taken before the deadline. The final exam is three hours in length and must be handwritten. Any exam that is not handwritten will not be accepted. Currently, the Property and Building Administration, Human Relations, and Strategic and Financial Planning exams are open book. The Building Maintenance exam is closed book.

12. You will be required to write your final exam during normal business hours Monday to Friday, and a suitable IHM proctor will oversee this. IHM will contact you to arrange a mutually acceptable time, date and location; this location is usually within one hour of your work/home.

Once your instructor has advised you that you have completed all assignments, please contact the IHM office to set up the proctored exam. You can have a supervisor or manager proctor your exam. The contact information for your proctor must be sent to the IHM office. If using the IHM office to proctor your exam, all exams must be completed during regular business hours

13. You will receive your final mark by email, once the exam has been marked and recorded. A passing mark is 60%.

Course completion
14. Upon successful completion of the course, the IHM office will mail you a course completion certificate and official letter stating your final mark, normally 10 days after the instructor has sent your complete file to us.