The five compulsory courses are available through the distance learning alternative. Elective courses are widely available from all Ontario community colleges and universities and are, therefore, not currently offered through the Institute's distance learning program.
To enroll in the program, please review the Student Guideline and complete the online application form below. If you have selected a printed version of the manual, please allow 7-10 for shipping. An electronic copy of the manual will be made available once registration is complete.
With distance education, you can learn largely at your own pace, with a deadline of six months to complete each individual course. You will be assigned a distance learning instructor to whom you are required to submit chapter reviews, case studies and a final exam. You will be notified by mail of your final grade. Then, you're ready to move on to the next subject!
In this way, you can complete your certificate program and, if you are pursuing accreditation and meet the experience requirements, qualify for accreditation and become entitled to use the Institute's designation, AIHM.
Please note that you must be employed in housing management at the time you enroll in a course. Students who are not seeking accreditation may take individual courses for skills updating/improvement; there is no requirement that they take all five courses (see IHM Course Registration Policy).
Effective October 1, 2015 – All new students enrolling into the Property Management Course with the intent of earning the IHM's designation, it is now a prerequisite that you take and complete the Property & Building Administration course prior to taking the other core courses. Those enrolling in individual courses for skills updating/improvement are exempt from this requirement provided they can demonstrate familiarity with the material covered in the Property & Building Administration course.
To request consideration or an exemption for an elective, please provide details with your request. Items required: a course outline, proof of completion, proof of mark or transcript (if applicable) and information as to the length of time that the course runs. Courses to be considered must be a minimum of 30 hours in duration. Two or more courses may be combined to count as one elective.
Course Title
Distance Learning Course
(Includes Electronic Manual) |
Add Printed Manual
Human Relations for Property Managers |
Property & Building Administration |
Strategic & Financial Planning for Property Managers |
Building Maintenance for Property Managers |
Tenancy Law in Ontario |
Please read the IHM Academic Integrity Policy.
To register, you can either use our secure online server or simply download the printable Registration Form (PDF Format), fill it out completely and mail or fax your completed registration to the address/fax number indicated on the form.